Thursday, January 1, 2009

10 Winter Driving Tips

Unless you go away to a sunny destination every winter, there is no way to get away from cold, snowy, dark season known as winter. Every year driver's must quickly adapt to changes in road conditions, but for many drivers this is not an easy transition. To help yourself be more prepared this winter season, you may want to familiarize yourself and your loved ones with these handy winter driving tips listed below.

1. Never drive alone, and always give yourself extra travel time.
2. Try to avoid using cruise control
3. Always put more distance between you and the car in front of you, then you typically would in normal driving conditions.
4. Put on your snow tires! In order to enhance vehicle handling, make sure all four tires are matching
5. Check fluids, lights, brakes, tires and wipers in the fall to make sure everything is up to par.
6. Have an emergency kit handy which should include, washer fluid, blanket, first-aid kit, extra clothing and footwear
7. Make sure your cell phone is fully charged.
8. Remove snow from your hood, bumper, lights and roof before you leave.
9. Check road and weather conditions below you leave.
10. Always wear your seatbelt and slow down.

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